Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Free Music - Michael Gulezian - Mood Rub a Dub

I stumbled upon Michael Gulezian's website by accident one day looking for guitar sheet music. His guitar playing is extraordinary and reminds me a lot of the late Michael Hedges. No coincidence, they were friends.

Michael sounds like a neat guy and I'd love to have him come to Sonoma County for a house concert in MY HOUSE.

He offer's free music on his website and encourages people to share it. So I will, with you!

Here's a link to the MP3 you can put on your iPod, MP3 player, or computer.

Mood Rub a Dub.mp3

If you like it, go to Michael Gulezian's website store and buy a CD to two and support a true artist without the pre-packaged glitz.

Musical Love,


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