Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Second Victim

We’ve had a Republican administration since 2001 that has lead us down a path that is fiscally dangerous. They’ve done it with the sole purpose of creating a crisis such that we will have no option but to drastically reduce spending. Not on wars, but on societal programs, the bogeyman of conservatives. One need only look to the quote from conservative icon Grover Norquist; "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."

Since 2001 the current Bush administration has added another $4.2 trillion in debt to bring the tally to $9.37 trillion, or $30,800 for each American. This debt has been run up with the sole purpose of creating a fiscal crisis to starve spending. This is akin to having credit problems then maxing out your credit cards to curtail spending.

I’ve often heard the question; how could America have been lead into a war that history now shows was based on trumped up evidence? The answers are varied; however the fiscal security of our country was the second victim right after the truth.

1 comment:

Linda C. McCabe said...

That's profound.

Thank you for sharing.